
A nova campanha de óculos da icónica Cartier é uma ode à cor da própria marca: o vermelho.
Os óculos, quanto a mim, parecem interessantes, mas penso que abusaram no uso do vermelho nas fotos, tornando as imagens pouco claras.
O manequim Philipp Bierbaum (nas fotos) é a estrela desta campanha 2013 - 2014, tenho a mesmo sido feita por Richard Burbridge. Très rouge but très Cartier.

The new eyewear campaign from Cartier for Autumn/ Winter 2013/2014 it´s like an huge compliment to they signature color: red.
The glasses in my opinion look very sharped and the the design looks great, the thing is too much red is kinda of distracting.
The model (on the photos) is Philipp Bierbaum and the photos were taken by Richard Burbridge. Très rouge but très Cartier.


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